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Blog entry

Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Blossoms, butterflies and birds . . . what beautifully wonderful elements of summer.  Even though the dog days of summer are on us, flowers are still blooming, butterflies are still nectaring and birds are still singing and raising their families.  Today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features a wide range of artisan creations that showcase the three B’s, each celebrating the wonder of Mother Nature.  If something catches your eye, please click the live link under the photo to be taken to the artist’s studio for more information and photos.  I hope you enjoy these Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds selections:

HOT, HOT, HOT!!! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


If you have been keeping up with the weather lately, you know that a huge section of the United States has been dealing with unusually high heat.  Here in the Desert Southwest, we are used to triple digit numbers (but it’s a dry heat!).  People who are live in other parts of the U.S. are not used to the high heat and may not even have air conditioning to remediate.  Let’s hope the high that had stalled above the U.S. moves on out and normal temperatures return . . . and our monsoon rains start here in the Borderlands.

Peacefully Pink - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Even though the color pink is not a favorite color, I have come to respect it.  That came about when I read an article stating that a person can sell more at handmade art shows if they wear a pastel pink colored shirt.  In color psychology, light pink is a positive color inspiring warm, comforting thoughts and is a sign of peace and hope.  According to the article, when you wore pink, people found you more thoughtful and insightful and you were more trusted.  The author, who sold at shows, swore by wearing pink and said her sales definitely increased once she made the change.

As a Child I Walked - Handmade Greens on Indiemade


Several weekends ago, I was driving by a second hand book store that is run by the local library.  Those that know me well know that I am an avid reader - am often at my most happiest when reading a good book with Seamus snoozing by my side.  Since the bookstore was open, the Dog Mobile swerved into the parking lot and I walked into the store.  It didn’t take me long to find a stack of books that HAD to go home with me, an eclectic mixture to be sure.  

Mother's Day Countdown - Handmade Gifts, Week 6


The sixth week of "Mother's Day Countdown 2016" has come and gone, leaving in its wake many handmade goodies.  Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions / polymerclaybeads are hosting the Countdown on their BluPrint blog, a tradition in its 4th year.  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, now is the perfect time to start thinking about your Mom's gift(s).  Browse the handmade shares for this week - many are, by the way, one of a kind creations - visit the shops of the artists featured and buy Mom a beauty that was handmade from the heart. There is something in this beautiful collection for even the pickiest of Moms!

Mother's Day Countdown - Handmade and Vintage Gifts, Week 5


The fifth week of the "Mother's Day Countdown 2016" certainly blew past quickly!  Hosted by Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions on their BluPrint blog, handmade and vintage gift ideas are shared by artisans to make Mother's Day shopping extra easy.  Mother's Day will be here before you know it - there is no time like now to start thinking about searcjing for, and even purchasing, your Mom's gift(s).  Browse the handmade shares for this week and visit the shops of the 16 artists featured here for even more lovelies, many of which are one of a kind designs, that will be perfect for even the most discerning of Moms!  

Beautiful Artisan Handmade Creations from the Cross Partners in Promotion Group!

The Cross Partners in Promotion group gathered almost a year ago (has it been almost a year already?) on G+ to promote each others handmade items.  And what a great group it is with a HUGE amount of talent.  I want to share that talent with you by sharing one item from each person who was active this week in sharing and/or promoting.  Below are the items chosen, listed in a scientific order achieved from drawing numbers randomly from a small bowl (:  

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