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New, One of a Kind Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs


It has been almost a month since I shared handmade jewelry from my Indiemade shop.  Arts festivals, company and a bit of traveling has kept me very busy.  But I have a short break now between shows, so decided to feature the new, one of a kind necklaces and earrings which can be found in my shop.  A few have already sold, but I wanted to share them, just the same.  I hope you enjoy these twelve unique beauties:

Yellers, Browns and Goldens - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



The other day, as I was pondering the theme of this week’s “Wonderful Handmade Wednesday" blog post, I ran across a very colorful quote from Roy Bean talking about autumn in the desert:  “And Fall, with her yeller harvest moon and the hills growin' brown and golden under a sinkin' sun.”  Aha, I thought!  The handmade theme of earthy yellers, browns and goldens was then set in my mind.

Great Blue Dome - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



My husband, Seamus (our sweet, goofus Moose of a dog) and I are fortunate to live in the Desert Southwest, a part of the country where the sky is immense and an ever changing blue most of the year.  In fact, a cloudy day (like today!) is actually a treat!  I was gazing out the window in my studio the other day when a Thomas Carlyle quote came to me:  "The old cathedrals are good, but the great blue dome that hangs over everything is better."  And I have to agree!  Even though I love visiting old cathedrals with a sense of wonderment, spirituality and awe - Canterbury Cathedral, Koln Cathedral, Notre Dame, National Cathedral, St, Paul's to name a few - I absolutely revel in the everchanging "great blue dome" that is above my head almost every day. The colors can range from the palest blue to a deep, mystical, velvety blue that occurs 45 minutes or so after the sun has dipped below the horizon and the sunset has faded.

Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Blossoms, butterflies and birds . . . what beautifully wonderful elements of summer.  Even though the dog days of summer are on us, flowers are still blooming, butterflies are still nectaring and birds are still singing and raising their families.  Today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features a wide range of artisan creations that showcase the three B’s, each celebrating the wonder of Mother Nature.  If something catches your eye, please click the live link under the photo to be taken to the artist’s studio for more information and photos.  I hope you enjoy these Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds selections:

Modern Symbols that are Ancient - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade - May 25, 2016

Even though we live in modern times, ancient symbols are found everywhere.  Many people do not even recognize them as being ancient.  Think of spirals, the Zia symbol on the New Mexico flag, the Hamsa, the cross, flowers and many other symbols in their various forms . . . all ancient but still in use today.  


The Language of Flowers - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


There is a language, little known,

Lovers claim it as their own.

Its symbols smile upon the land,

Wrought by nature's wondrous hand ...

–The Language of Flowers, London, 1875


A Fun Day of Fauna and Flora at Franklin Mountains State Park, El Paso, Texas!


Photo of a park of the Tom May unit of the Franklin Mountains State Park; photo courtesy of Texas Park and Wildlife.


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