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Autumn Beauties - Artisan Handmade Three for Thursday



“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower” . . . Albert Camus


Even though it still is getting into the low 90’s here in the Desert Southwest, the mornings have begun to fill with the glorious tentacles of autumn.  Everyone I know wants to linger as long as they can outside, sipping their coffee or tea, reading the newspaper, or, like me, just sitting and taking it all in.  Not as many hummingbirds are practicing gluttony at the hummingbird feeders. Am assuming many are winging their way further south for the coming winter. I’ll miss them - a bittersweet goodbye.  Fall is just around the corner.

Artisan Handmade for a Spooky Halloween!



Halloween - the day of trick or treaters in creepy (or cute) costumes, grinning skulls, Jack O’ Lantern pumpkins, spooky ghosts and other notorious beast - will soon be here.  But even weeks before October 31, it’s fun to wear spooky accessories or decorate the home for Halloween. With that in mind, I decided to pull together some spine-tingling jewelry and other items from handmade artists, each one perfect to help celebrate that supernatural day of the year.  I hope you enjoy these choices and will visit the shops of the talented artists featured for more amazing handmade beauties, shuddersome or not!

4th of July - Celebrate a Handmade Red, White and Blue Holiday!



When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson.


The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day or July 4th, has a tradition of celebrations goes back to the American Revolution.  When the initial battles of the Revolutionary War broke out in April 1775, very few colonists desired complete independence from Great Britain.  But, by the middle of the following year, the idea of independence grew due to the growing hostility against draconian British laws and the spread of revolutionary sentiments, such as the pamphlet published in early 1776 by Thomas Paine, called “Common Sense.”

Give Me Red! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


If I could tell you about Red

I would sing to you of fire

Sweet like cherries

Burning like cinnamon

Smelling like a rose in the sun


Dixie Dawn Miller Goode, from Rainbows Around Us: A Celebration of Color

Artisan Handmade Beauties - Three for Thursday






I totally agree with the above quote . . something artisan handmade is ALWAYS much more meaningful.  And you’ll see why when you look at the beautiful handmade items by the artists chosen for today’s Three for Thursday blog post.  The artists featured today are: Linda of TreasuresofJewels who makes jewelry with a mostly romantic Victorian flair; Pamela of MagdaleneKnits who creates a wide variety of hand crocheted and knitted keepsakes; and, Suzanne of RivendellRockJewelry who crafts lovely jewelry mainly using gemstones. If something catches your eye, please be sure to click on the picture or the link below the picture to be taken to the item for more photos and information. I hope you enjoy the unique artisan handmade items featured below:

Happy Spring! Happy Easter!



The celebration of the return of  spring and Easter brings the promise that everything can begin again, of letting go of the old and embracing something new, of renewal of the self and of the earth, and of faith.  Just think of everything associated with spring and Easter: promise, resurrection, birth, new love, romance, nesting birds, butterflies, daffodils, tulips, peach blossoms and so many other cheerful flowers.  

Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Blossoms, butterflies and birds . . . what beautifully wonderful elements of summer.  Even though the dog days of summer are on us, flowers are still blooming, butterflies are still nectaring and birds are still singing and raising their families.  Today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features a wide range of artisan creations that showcase the three B’s, each celebrating the wonder of Mother Nature.  If something catches your eye, please click the live link under the photo to be taken to the artist’s studio for more information and photos.  I hope you enjoy these Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds selections:

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