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Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 12




Tick . . . tick . . . tick.  According to the Christmas clock, there are now only 13 (!!!) days until Christmas!  It’s hard to believe that December is already here and, with it, the last week of the Countdown to Christmas 2018.  The Countdown has been graciously hosted by Julie and Blue of Blue Morning Expressions on their The Blu Print blog.  Yes, week 12 has come and gone and 45 artisan handmade and vintage items from 15 artists were left in its wake, any of which will be perfect for a Christmas gift that was individually handmade from the heart.  Help Santa make it a HANDMADE Christmas this year!

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 10




Here we are at Week 10 of the Countdown to Christmas.  Only two more weeks left! The Countdown is a chance for mostly handmade artists to share three of their beautiful gift ideas and for all to browse and, hopefully, purchase.  The ever ticking Christmas clock doesn’t let up - according to it, Santa will start his journey in only 27 days!  Need a perfect start to your Christmas shopping? The Countdown is the place to do just that!  A good motto to follow: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE!


Autumn Artisan Handmade Gift Ideas - Three for Thursday



According to the calendar, we're about ½ way through autumn, the favorite time of year for many people.  I live in the Desert Southwest and most people don’t associate the desert with fall color. But we have it!  Granted not as eye catching as the forests in along the East Coast or the aspens in many places in the Rockies.  Color is here, nonetheless: glowing yellows and reds and purples of the deciduous trees.  And my amazing cosmos are looming up a storm with carmine reds, pale pinks and glowing white.  The hummingbirds left about a month ago (always sad to see them go) but new migrant birds are showing up, especially the cheerful little juncos.  Am waiting for the beautiful blue scrub jays with their raucous calls and jaunty attitudes to show up under the bird feeders.

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 6




Week 6 of the Countdown to Christmas quickly came and went and a unique collection of artisan handmade items were shared for all to see.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, the jolly man pulled by his team of flying reindeer visit all good boys and girls in only 55 days!  Looking to start your Christmas shopping?  The Countdown is the perfect place to do just that! A good motto to follow: shop early, shop often! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE!

Handmade Jewelry Gift Ideas by Shadow Dog Designs



The Christmas shopping season will soon be here (if you haven’t already begun your list making and your shopping!).  I’ve been working hard to list new pairs of earrings and necklaces in my Shadow Dog Designs handmade jewelry shop and wanted to share the new creations with you.  Each piece is a perfect gift for the discerning woman who enjoys wearing truly unique artisan handmade jewelry. With the exception of two of the Christmas earrings at the end of the post, all of the jewelry designs are one of a kind pieces.  Just think - you or a loved one will be the only person in the universe wearing that particular piece when purchased!

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 5



Week 5 of the Countdown to Christmas whizzed right on by and a wide variety of unique artisan handmade items were left behind.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, Christmas will be here in only 62 days!!! Looking to start your Christmas shopping?  The Countdown is the perfect place to do just that! A good motto to follow: shop early, shop often! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE!


Artisan Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



Since the autumn arts festival season is in full swing, I have been thinking a lot about handmade items, especially since I mostly make one of a kind jewelry.  People always ask me, “How do you come up with the design.” I reply something like this, “To tell the truth, I’m not sure. Most of the time it just happens.” Or, “The Muses were good to me.”  I’m sure a LOT of artists give some semblance of those answer since the “creative idea” is often elusive. But the answers definitely don’t take into account all the years and years of working to perfect your art through taking classes, people giving their opinions, selling (or not) at shows and by trial and error . . . and more trial and error . . . and more trial and error.  Then, suddenly, it just happens.


I found this poster at WalchaHandmade that pretty much sums up the process:  

Need Some Love - Artisan Handmade




There is something ALL handmade artists go through:  you design a beautiful piece of jewelry, or create a fabulous painting, or crochet an intricate piece of table art, or . . . the list goes on and on.  You have put so much of yourself into the piece, you love it and you are sure it will sell very, very quickly. Unfortunately, there it still sits in your shop . . . and you have no idea why!

School Daze - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



When I drive the back way to Spa for Paws, where Seamus goes to romp and play with his doggie friends three days a week, we pass by an elementary school.  Today I noticed on the school sign that the first day of school is August 13, with teachers back at school August 3!!! What??? No wonder I have been bombarded with “back to school” brochures and coupons in the mail. I imagine that there a huge amount of ads on regular TV, but since I only watch PBS, NetFlix or the like, I don’t see them.  Thank heavens for that! But it sure seems awfully early for school to begin. Where has the summer gone???


The school sign prompted the theme for today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade, titled School Daze.  The artisan handmade items chosen will be welcome “just because” first day of school gifts, to help counteract the daze of school starting up again.  The meaningful, unique items chosen span a wide range of ages, from kindergarten/first grade through high school. I hope one of the beauties goes to school that first day!

First in the Shop - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



I always enjoy browsing through the handmade shops of artist friends.  So much talent and such creativity! This week’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features the first item in each shop (as of when this blog was being worked on) featured here:  First In the Shop. Oftentimes the first item is the newest - sometimes it’s not. Either way, the items are all wonderful and each will fill that need for a gift perfectly.  




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