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All Creatures Great and Small - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Anyone who has spent even a small bit of time around me knows that I love animals, animals in all shapes and sizes and colors and temperaments.  Even the so called “icky” ones are admired since they have a role to play in the complex balance of Nature.  One of my favorite all time books is “All Creatures Great and Small” by James Herriot, where the theme for this post was lifted.  And, after all my work with and around animals, my favorite quote in the book is this:  “If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”  So very true!!!

What a Spooky Halloween! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


With the last days of September rapidly approaching, Halloween and Day of the Dead festivities will arrive before we realize it.  With that in mind, I decided to browse the studios of Indiemade artist friends and pull together a variety of spookily fun handmade items:  some in oranges and black, some with skulls, one with spooky black cats and a set of ever watchful owls.  Any of these mostly one of a kind handmade beauties will be perfect for the other side of life parties.  Enjoy!

Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Blossoms, butterflies and birds . . . what beautifully wonderful elements of summer.  Even though the dog days of summer are on us, flowers are still blooming, butterflies are still nectaring and birds are still singing and raising their families.  Today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features a wide range of artisan creations that showcase the three B’s, each celebrating the wonder of Mother Nature.  If something catches your eye, please click the live link under the photo to be taken to the artist’s studio for more information and photos.  I hope you enjoy these Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds selections:

Unique New Handmade Jewelry at Shadow Dog Designs

Finally the holiday Art Festivals have ended.  Yay!  I had been very busy doing shows since Labor Day weekend; some months several shows were scheduled back-to-back weekends.  Bewteen them and a busy on line sales season, believe me, I am ready for a little rest and relaxation.  That doesn't mean I'll quit listing new items in my Indiemade shop and all that entails.  Oh, no.  But the idea of having 5-6 weeks free of shows makes me more than a little giddy!

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