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Spring Colors! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!   Sitting Bull



With spring definitely here in the Borderlands, I have been thinking about colors quite a bit as the brown of the desert bursts into so many glorious shades of green.  The white and pink fruit trees have pretty much quit blooming, so the various shrubs, hardy trees, ocotillo, cactus and poppies will add their beautiful spring colors: yellow, pinks, oranges, reds, purples and others all against the huge dark blue sky.  My soul revives!

Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs - New Earrings and Necklaces



It has been almost a month since I last sat down to share my newest batch of handmade earrings and necklaces.  Visiting friends in Long Beach, California and Charleston, South Carolina took up a lot of time, along with shorter trips to Dallas.  Plus, three big shows are in the not too distant future, all in April, so I’ve been very busy trying to make new jewelry to freshen up the look.  Lots of spring inspired jewelry has been photographed - hopefully, those will make it into the next post.

Unique New Handmade Jewelry from Shadow Dog Designs

Lots of new handmade jewelry designs went into my Shadow Dog Designs Indiemade shop the last two weeks.  I have been busy, busy, busy creating new necklaces and earrings.  Arts Festivals are coming up so the shop needs to be well stocked because the shows will (hopefully) draw from the design that are there and the ones that will not be listed.  The designs continue to be a combination of boho, of elegance and everything in between - wherever the Muses take me.  I hope you enjoy looking at the new beauties.  Two oldies but goodies have been added to make an even 10 jewelry designs.  To see more photos and information of each, please click the link below each photo:

Unique New Handmade Jewelry at Shadow Dog Designs

Finally the holiday Art Festivals have ended.  Yay!  I had been very busy doing shows since Labor Day weekend; some months several shows were scheduled back-to-back weekends.  Bewteen them and a busy on line sales season, believe me, I am ready for a little rest and relaxation.  That doesn't mean I'll quit listing new items in my Indiemade shop and all that entails.  Oh, no.  But the idea of having 5-6 weeks free of shows makes me more than a little giddy!

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